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[NEW] SiiP Snack Cheezy Chicken by Nabati

Siapa yang dulu suka jajan di sekolah? Kalau diingat-ingat lagi, masa-masa sekolah memang masa yang paling menyenangkan. Ha-ha.. Aku ingat betul, setiap bel sekolah berbunyi, kami semua langsung menyerbu kantin sekolah dan menyebutkan satu per satu pesanan kami kepada petugas kantin. Dan karena pilihan jajanan yang ditawarkan di kantin sekolah banyak sekali, kami tidak pernah bosan untuk berbelanja di sana. Salah satu jajanan yang paling kusuka adalah Lidi-lidian yang berbentuk panjang, tipis, dan sedikit keras, dengan taburan bumbu bubuk cabai dan lada yang akan membuat siapa saja ketagihan. Selain itu, aku juga sering membeli keripik singkong pedas berbumbu basah yang biasanya dibungkus dengan plastik transparant dalam pack kecil. Astaga, aku jadi bernostalgia akan masa kecilku sekarang!

Dulu di sekolah aku paling sering membeli snack, baik sekedar untuk mengganjal perut atau untuk dibawa ke kelas, sambil menemaniku membereskan tugas sekolah bersama teman-teman. Kini aku menyadari, bahkan dalam usia seperti sekarang ini, I keep craving for a salty snack! I found salty snacks made me feel satisfied at all times, especially when I concentrated entirely on doing my work at home. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but at least, it suits my needs, especially to satisfy my taste buds. Anything with cheese, say like, my current addiction: SiiP Snack Cheezy Chicken.

My nephew gave me this when I came to his house a week ago, and told me that I should try this. He bought this from his school canteen and remembered me. “Auntie probably will like this too,” he said. And he’s right; I like it so much! Bentuknya lucu, bulat-bulat dengan celah bolong di bagian tengahnya. Tekstur snack SiiP Snack ini juga unik lho! Saat langsung digigit, snack ini terasa cukup crispy, namun bila dibiarkan lama di dalam mulut, snack ini seperti melting di dalam mulut kita. Seru!! Perpaduan dua rasa favorit yang seimbang (tidak terlalu asin), yaitu rasa keju dan rasa ayam pada SiiP Snack Cheezy Chicken ini memang enak untuk dijadikan teman camilan saat mengerjakan tugas di rumah atau menemani acara santai dimana pun, kapan pun.

For me, the ideal snack is those that have a right balance of flavors. SiiP Snack Cheezy Chicken turned out to be my new favorite snack, and you can easily get them in the school canteen, traditional market, or mini-marts. Selain rasa Cheezy Chicken, SiiP Snack ini ternyata juga hadir dalam beberapa varian rasa lho, antara lain Roasted Cheese Corn, Cheese, dan Chocolate. If you’re a snack lover, gotta try SiiP Snack Cheezy Chicken!

More info about SiiP Snack, click here! Instagram SiiP Snack

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Author: myfunfoodiary

Myfunfoodiary as Indonesian Food and Travel Blog was born in July 2012 and has become one of the valuable online source for locals, tourists, food enthusiasts and industry professionals. It is a Jakarta based Food and Travel Blog managed by Mullie Marlina, a young, lovely, cheerful and blessed wife who loves to share her culinary and travel experiences through her writing. You’ll find her honest reviews, valuable suggestions, objective ratings and recommendation of eateries in Jakarta and selected cities in Indonesia and abroad. Her curated restaurant reviews are based on her meticulous inquiries and her rich dining experience in various restaurants in Jakarta. She has also traveled to different cities and countries where she finds interesting and inspiring dishes, cuisines and excellent dining ambience which she also included in the list. From recommendations, restaurant experiences, events, travel destinations, and recipes, readers will find anything food related in this website. She would really appreciate your feedback, and would love to hear about any suggestions, events regarding food, or just to drop in to say "Hi". Again, thank you so much for dropping by, and she hopes you enjoy reading her journal. Thank you so much for all your supports! God bless you! ^_^

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