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[NEW SPOT] Expensive Mongolian Hot Pot at Khubilai Khan Jakarta

Rasa penasaran.. penasaran.. penasaran, dan akhirnya kami pun mencoba mampir ke Khubilai Khan Mongolian Hot Pot (Jakarta Barat). Restoran yang berlokasi di jalan Panjang ini memang baru berusia 7 hari sejak pembukaan, dan selalu tampak ramai setiap kali kami melintasi jalan ini, baik siang maupun malam hari. Dengan rasa penasaran yang besar, kami pun memutuskan untuk makan siang di tempat ini setelah selesai dari kebaktian gereja tadi siang. Parkiran yang luas pun terlihat penuh saat kami datang (foto tampak depan restoran diambil setelah pulang dari restoran). Saat memasuki restoran, team restoran menyambut ramah dan mempersilahkan kami duduk ke salah satu meja yang kebetulan masih kosong. Area makan di lantai dasar ini begitu luas, suasana di dalamnya tampak gelap, terdapat 2 ruang VIP di bagian belakang restoran, dan rupanya tersedia pula area makan di lantai 2, namun area atas belum dibuka untuk saat ini.

Rupanya, restoran Khubilai Khan Mongolian Hot Pot yang berada di jalan Panjang – Kebon Jeruk ini adalah sebuah cabang restoran pertama di Indonesia oleh Khubilai Khan Group setelah adanya 2 outlet pusat yang berasal dari Shanghai (China), dan Hsinchu (Taiwan) sejak tahun 2002. Adapun sejarah singkat tentang asal muasal hidangan Mongolian Hot Pot: Khubilai Khan teringat akan masakan kesukaan di kampung halamannya saat akan berperang dan pada akhirnya memenangkan perang setelah menikmati masakan sup daging domba yang dibuat oleh sang juru masak. Masakan tersebut hanya dengan mengiris tipis daging, merebusnya dalam air mendidih, diberi garam dan sedikit bumbu sebagai celupan.

Kami bertiga sempat bingung sebetulnya, dan setelah melihat beberapa meja tamu lain, hampir semuanya memesan hidangan hot pot ini. Sang pelayan pun menjelaskan menu-menu yang tersedia di restoran Khubilai Khan ini. Sesuai dengan namanya, hidangan Hot Pot ala Mongolian tentulah yang dicari oleh pengunjung, dan kami pun memutuskan untuk mencobanya. Betapa kagetnya, untuk sebuah Sup Hot Pot, kami harus membayar Rp. 100.000,- (belum termasuk tax & service) dimana sup ini ternyata adalah kaldu ayam, tawar, tanpa perasa, disajikan di atas wadah keramik besar nan mewah dan dipanaskan dengan menggunakan batu bara di dalamnya.

Single Pot – Hot Pot Soup, IDR 100K

The question is: why do we have to pay that expensive just for the soup?? The waiter said it’s because the ceramic hot pots only lasted for two months and they have to replace them with new ones. Well, that’s not our problem, and if the cost of presentation is too much, I suggest the restaurant to replace the presentation and don’t charge that much to customers. Will you pay IDR 100K just for the chicken soup?

Condiments, IDR 15K/person

However, the chicken soup is refillable, and they put some Chinese herbs that we usually use to cook the Herbal Chicken Soup at home. The small red one is called Kichi (Goji Berry), dan the big red one is called Angco. Some bean sprouts and sliced onions are also in the soup. To add flavor to the soup, we can use the condiments which available on the wooden shelf in front of the restaurant. There is a total of 18 different sauces that we can mix and match, but again, I was upset when I know they charge an extra IDR 15K per person. It’s impossible to eat Hot Pot soup and meat without the sauces, and the sauce is supposedly given free because we already paid for the expensive soup. I came with mom and my husband, so it costs IDR 45K (before tax & service) just for the unlimited condiments. At this point, I’ve spent IDR 145K (before tax & service) just for the plain chicken soup and sauces. Is this worth it?

Untuk makanan, kami memesan US Marbled Beef (IDR 130K), Marbled Pork (IDR 69K), Taiwan Shrimp Ball with Cheese (IDR 58K), Deep Fried Tofu Skin (IDR 36K), Mixed Mushroom (IDR 78K), dan 2 Steam Rice (IDR 12K). Sedangkan untuk minuman, kami memesan Homemade Signature Plum Juice (IDR 32K), dan Black Tea (IDR 18K). Pssst, you know what? There are only two options of vegetables for the hot pot; only the green veggies or just the mushrooms. I wonder how big the portion or how many vegetables will they serve for IDR 92K?! Is it imported vegetables? Organic vegetables? Whatever it is, to pay IDR 92K (before tax & service) just for vegetables is certainly very expensive! That’s why we decided to order just the mushrooms for IDR 78K.

Personally, the food was just okay! We enjoyed the meat, the shrimp balls with melted cheese, and fried bean curd with all the condiments. It was fun for a while to mix and match the sauces; from the fragrant sesame oil, sesame seeds, parsley, mustard, vinegar, chili, green onion, to fermented bean curd, chili oil, etc. With the right combination, the condiments indeed tasted good to

enhance the broth and as a dipping sauce for the meat and others. Luckily, we still got 20% discount off from the opening promotion and paid a total of IDR 524K after discount. The only downside was the price of the soup, condiments, and vegetables that made no sense! Therefore, it will be tough for us to return to this place.

Ba Bao Fan, IDR 84K

Sebelum pulang, mereka memberikan kami complimentary dessert yang dinamakan Ba Bao Fan (Thank you!). Ba Bao Fan (Chinese Rice Pudding) ini rupanya adalah susunan 2 layer ketan putih (sticky rice) yang diberi isi kacang merah pada bagian tengahnya. Di bagian atas, diberi topping berupa angco, lengkeng, kismis, dan lien che (biji teratai) yang biasa kami gunakan juga untuk memasak sup herbal di rumah. Dessert ini disajikan hangat dan porsinya cukup besar, sehingga dapat dishare untuk 3 orang. Kombinasi semuanya terasa manis, authentic Taiwan, unik, dan tidak eneq, namun karena kami sudah kenyang, kami tidak dapat menghabiskannya.

Overall, nothing extraordinary from this visit, except the wow when they served the ceramic hot pot with charcoal to boil the broth. Bila kalian penggemar hidangan berkuah, dan juga penasaran, tidak ada salahnya mencoba tempat ini, namun pastikan kalian sudah siap membayar mahal. Bila memesan Single Pot Hot Soup dan datang berdua, setidaknya sudah siap membayar Rp. 130.000,- (sebelum tax dan service) hanya untuk sup dan condiments, dan belum termasuk daging dan lain-lain. Namun, selain soup hot pot, Khubilai Khan juga memiliki aneka ragam makanan ala carte untuk makan tengah. Average spending per orang diperkirakan minimal Rp. 250.000,-. Thank you for reading! πŸ™‚

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Khubilai Khan Indonesia

Jalan Panjang No. 22, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat

Opening Hour: 11:30 – 14:30 // 17:30 – 22:30

Average spending: minimum IDR 200K

Phone: 021 5323013


Author: myfunfoodiary

Myfunfoodiary as Indonesian Food and Travel Blog was born in July 2012 and has become one of the valuable online source for locals, tourists, food enthusiasts and industry professionals. It is a Jakarta based Food and Travel Blog managed by Mullie Marlina, a young, lovely, cheerful and blessed wife who loves to share her culinary and travel experiences through her writing. You’ll find her honest reviews, valuable suggestions, objective ratings and recommendation of eateries in Jakarta and selected cities in Indonesia and abroad. Her curated restaurant reviews are based on her meticulous inquiries and her rich dining experience in various restaurants in Jakarta. She has also traveled to different cities and countries where she finds interesting and inspiring dishes, cuisines and excellent dining ambience which she also included in the list. From recommendations, restaurant experiences, events, travel destinations, and recipes, readers will find anything food related in this website. She would really appreciate your feedback, and would love to hear about any suggestions, events regarding food, or just to drop in to say "Hi". Again, thank you so much for dropping by, and she hopes you enjoy reading her journal. Thank you so much for all your supports! God bless you! ^_^

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  1. Suka banget sama honest review kalian.Dan ga dibuat2. Kalo mmg blg mahal atau ga suka ya to the point. Good job guys..

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  2. Ini deket rumah banget, turun tanjakan RCTI, nype, baca begini baiknya aku makan di Warung Sunda aja deh Ci, ketahuan ga mengecewakan πŸ™‚ Sukses terus ya Cici, Koko dan Mama Cici πŸ™‚

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    • Wah, amien! πŸ™πŸ» Thank you ya buat doa dan supportnya.. ☺️
      Kita sama2 di Jakarta Barat donk ya.. πŸ˜€
      Hahaha, btw ga ada salahnya cobain tapi klo gak siap, jangan deh haha..
      Btw Warung Sunda blm sempat coba ni, disana makanan sudah digorengin kaya Bumbu Desa gak Stella?

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